Cecily helps her Grandad and her Mum on the farm. Listen carefully to the video and answer these questions: 1. How long will it be until the sheep start giving birth? 2. Why did the sheep have to come in early this year? 3. Why does Farmer Jones split the sheep up? 4.How long does it take for all the sheep to lamb once they start? 5. What foods do the sheep eat other than grass-why? 6. Why are all the sheep different? 7. What is the most lambs that Farmer Jones has ever know one sheep to have?
Lambing Season is coming to an end. Take a look at what is left to be done on the farm!
Welcome back to Hyden Farm! Watch this video and see if you can answer these questions: What do the farmers dip the lambs' navels into? Why? Why do the lambs and sheep have numbers on them? Why are lambs carried by their front feet? Why does 'Tinker' have blue bandages?
Cecily and her family have made another brilliant video telling us all about what is going on at Hyden Farm! Watch the video and answer these questions: 1. What is in the chicken food mix? 2. Why are shells and stones an important part of the chickens' diet? 3.Why are the chicken eggs all different sizes and colours? 4. Where are the Dorking chickens from originally? 5. What is special about the shell of a duck egg? 6. What is the same about every bird egg? 7. What is the job of the egg white?