
Explorers weapon training on our Iron Age Day

Maths 5.03.21

5.03.21 English

Maths 04.03.21

English 04.03.21

Wellness Wednesday 03.03.21

Maths 03.03.21

03.03.21 English

An extra art video with Miss Besant!

Maths 02.03.21

English 02.03.21

Maths 01.03.21

English 01.03.21

Maths 26.02.21

English 26.02.21

English 25.02.21

Maths 25.02.21

Wellness Wednesday 24.02.21

Maths 24.02.21

English 24.02.21

After Miss Lambton’s video! Tuesday

Maths 23.02.21

English 23.02.21

English 22.02.2021

After Miss Lambton’s video!

Maths 22.02.21

Science 12.02.2021

Maths 12.02.2021

Valentine’s Day cookies!

Maths 11.02.21

English 11.02.21

English 10.02.21

10.02 wellness Wednesday!

Maths 10.02.21

Maths 09.02.21

English 09.02.21

After Mrs Newman - history 08.02.21

English 08.02.21

History with Mrs Newman! 8.02.21

08.02.21 Maths

English - handwriting 05.02.21

Maths 05.02.21

Science! Teeth 04.02.21

Maths 04.02.2021

English 04.02.2021

Math 03.02.21

Wellness Wednesday 03.02.21

03.02.2021 English

English 02.02.21

Maths 02.02.21

Maths 01.02.2021

English 01.02.21

29.01.21 English

29.01.21 Maths

28.01.21 Science

28.01.21 English

28.01.21 Maths

27.01.21 English

27.01.21 maths

27.01.21 Wellness Wednesday

Maths 26.01.21

English 26.01.21

Topic 25.01.21

25.01.21 maths

25.01.21 English

Peter Pong by David Walliams (Story for Literacy)

Maths 22.01.21

English 22.01.21

Digestive experiment - 21.01.21

21.01.21 maths - perimeter

21.01.21 English

English 20.01.21

Maths 20.01.21 3D shapes

Topic- Transport networks 19.01.21

Maths 19.01.21

Maths 18.01.21

English 18.01.21

Maths 15.01.21

English 15.01.21

Science! 14.01.21

14.01.21 English

14.01.21 maths

English 13.01.21

Maths 13.01.21

Maths 12.01.21

English 12.01.21

English 11.01.21

Maths 11.01.21

English 8.01.21

Maths 8.01.21

English 7.01.21

Maths 7.01.21

Maths 06.01.21 W1 L1

Wednesday 6th January W1 English

English 25.11.2020

Maths 25.11.2020

Miss Duffin’s Rock cakes!

English 24/11/2020

Maths - 24/11/2020

English 23/11/2020

Maths 23/11/2020

English 5 - 20/11/2020

Maths 4 - 19/11/2020

English 4 - 19/11/2020

Maths 3 - 18/11/2020

English 3 - 18/11/2020

Maths 2- 17/11/2020

English 2 17/11/2020

Maths 1 - 16/11/2020

English 1 - 16/11/2020

Wk12 Friday Maths & English

Get on to the summer reading challenge website & create a book list to read over summer. Grab a pack of cards and a family member & play Uno, 21 or Dobble. Set up an obstacle race in the afternoon for you and your family.

Wk12 Thursday English & Maths

Maths Investigation and reading Rain Before Rainbows with Mrs Slamaker

Wk 12 Wellness Wednesday

Thinking about moving up to the next year group and new classes.

Wk12 Wednesday English & Maths

Exploring the Globe Theatre website plus fun maths & TTRS

Wk12 Tuesday English & Maths

Tremendous Tiles and Yr4 Editing writing, Yr3 Transition work.

Wk12 Scrap Book Topic

Create your own scrapbook of your learning during lockdown.

Wk12 Monday English & Maths

Writing Competition for year4 , Playscript reading for \year 3 and Maths.

Wk11 Friday Family Olympics

Family Bubble Olympics

Wk11 Year 4 Transition Activity

Year 4 English to create a motto and a shield ready for year 5

Wk11 Fun Friday Maths & Yr3 English

Intro to yr 3 English & 3 & 4 Maths

Wk11 Thursday Art Attack

Create a Midsummer Night & Day

Wk11 Thursday English & Maths

Yr 3 Character Web & Money Challenge

Wk11 Wellness Wednesday

Create gift vouchers for your family

Wk11 Wednesday English & Maths

Keyword Spellings & Mental Maths

Wk11 Tueday Skipping Challenge

Brief introduction to daily Skipping Challenge

Wk11 Tuesday English

Watch Ceebebies Midsummer Nights Dream

Wk11 Tuesday Maths

A maths investigation using perimeter and square area.

Wk11 Monday Topic Work

Create a Shakespeare Fact File

Wk11 Monday English & Maths

Setting the scene for Midsummer Night's Dream & 4 Rule of Number Reviews

Wk10 Friday English & Maths

Fun Friday maths & Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt

Wk10 Thursday English & Maths

Find out about Shakespeare and complete a reading comprehension. Time Challenges in Maths

Wk10 Wellness Wednesday & Music Project

Links to Body Percussion and The Firebird Music Activity

Wk10 Wednesday English & Maths

Challenge yourself with SPaG activities and a Mental Maths task.

Wk10 Tuesday English & Maths

Responding to a picture and Real World maths.

Wk10 Rock Star Challenge Science Mon & Tues

Rock Star Challenge - test materials and design ear defenders for the children of rock stars.

Wk10 Monday English & Maths

Keyword Spellings and Real World maths

Wk9 Friday Science

Sound Circus - create your ow instruments

Wk9 Friday English & Fun Friday Maths

Experiment with Rhyming and write your own sound walk poem.

Wk9 Thursday Science

Create straw oboes and investigate Audacity

Wk9 Thursday English & Maths

Create a sound monster and write a poem. Maths word problems using 4 rules of number

Wk9 Wellness Wednesday

A brief reflection exercise & link to Kids Yoga

Wk9 Wednesday English & Maths

MAgic Box poem and Mental Maths

Wk9 Tuesday Science

Continuing sound - how sound travels

Wk9 Tuesday English & Maths

Introducing Sound poetry and multiplication & division

Wk9 Science Monday

A sound walk

Wk9 Monday English & Maths

Spelling of key words & diary entry. $ maths operations + & -

Wk8 Friday English & Maths

Edit Mrs Slamaker's mistakes & Fun Friday Maths

Wk 8 Thurs & Friday Art Attack

Use Art for Kids Hub to draw step by step. After drawing continue with a variety of mediums.

Wk8 Thursday English & Maths

Complete the writing of your Just So story & show off your fraction and decimal fraction skills

Wk8 Wednesday English & Maths

Writing the opening & build up of our Just SO Stories & Mental Maths

Wk8 Wellness Wednesday

Introduction into creating reflective wind chimes

Wk8 Tuesday Maths & English

Planning a Just So Story & Tenths as Decimals

Wk8 Monday & Tuesday Biome Research

investigating & researching the Biomes of Africa

Wk8 Monday English & Maths

Exploring 'OU' sounds; Decimal Fractions

Wk 7 Friday Africa

Your chance to research one of Africa's many diverse ethnic groups.

Wk7 Friday English & Maths

Create your own Just So Story character & Fun Friday Maths

Wk 7 Thursday Africa Physical Features

Exploring the physical features of Africa and rainfall and temperature across the continent

Thursday Maths & English

Adding and Subtracting Fractions and using a variety of nouns, verbs and adverbs to describe an animal.

Wednesday Maths & English

Read another Just So story & Mental maths with TTRS

Wk7 Wellness Wednesday This Time for Africa

Have a go at developing a dance routing to go with the 'This Time for Africa' song.

Wk 7 Tuesday English & Maths

Rudyard Kipling's Just so Stories and Equivalent Fractions.

Wk 7 Tuesday Countries of Africa

Investigate the 54 countries of Africa, annotate a map & research one country.

Monday Mapping Continents

Are all continents are the same? - a brief overview of continents and introducing Africa

Wk7 Monday English & Maths

Homophones and Fractions of amouts

Wk6 Friday English & Maths

Write your own instructions to make a phone or pencil case. Fun Friday maths with money!

WK6 Finish & Evaluate DT

Complete stitching your phone or pencil case and evaluate your amazing work.

Wk6 Thursday Maths & English

Adding money and giving change plus identifying features of instruction writing.

Wk6 Thursday DT

Cutting out from your template and sewing your case.

Wk6 Wednesday English & Maths

Nouns & Pronouns. Mental Maths

Wk6 Wellness Wednesday

Create your own Gratitude Jar. Thinking about who we are grateful for at home, in the community etc.

Summer2 Wk6 Tuesday Maths and English

Reading time tables in maths & Reading Comprehension using BBC Bitesize

Summer2 Wk6 Tuesday DT

Practicing stitches ready for our sewing project. 3 joining stitches to practices and evaluate.

Summer2 Wk6 Monday DT

Creating a template and prototype of pencil case or mobile phone cover.

Summer2 Wk6 Monday English & Maths

Spelling of year 3&4 word list and Reading Time in maths

Wk 5 Friday DT

Design a cover for a mobile phone or a pencil case. The first step in our DT journey.

Wk 5 Friday English & Maths

Reading comprehension and Fun Friday Maths - Battleships & co-ordinates

Wk 5 Thursday Art Attack

Introduction to the Getty Museum challenge of creating your own masterpiece

Wk 5 Thursday Maths & English

Parallel and Perpendicular lines plus Edit and improve your information text & SPaG Mat

Wk 5 Wednesday English & Maths

Write your information text on The Four Seasons using notes from yesterday. Mental Maths & TTRS

Wk 5 Wellness Wednesday

Exploring the influences people have on their decisions and choices.

Wk5 Tuesday English

Paragraphs - recognising paragraphs and taking notes.

Wk5 Tuesday Maths

3D shape Hunt

Wk5 Tuesday Science

Soilds, Liquids & Gas Quiz & research suggestions

Wk5 Science Monday

Can you investigate whether all solids melt at the same rate?

Wk5 Monday English & Maths

Vowel digraphs and 2D shape - create 2D shapes in the garden with string or ribbon.

Wk4 Friday Science

Set up your own evaporation race.

Wk4 Friday English & Maths

Reading comprehension with audio link to BBC bitsize and Fun Friday maths - create a game to test your family!

Wk4 Thursday Science

Investigating the affect of heat on chemical reactions. Liquid to gas.

Wk4 Thursday English and Maths

Data collection and drawing graph based on African animals, plus Editing & Spag.

Wk4 Wednesday English & Maths

Write a description of a picture using prepositions. Mental Maths & TTRS

Wk4 Wellness Wednesday

Thinking about the special people in our lives.

Wk4 Tuesday Maths and English

Explore Venn diagrams and put those prepositions in their place!

Wk 4 Tuesday Science - sorting materials

Review properties of materials, paper sorting activity and suggestion to collect & sort materials found at home.

Wk4 Monday Science

Wk 4 Monday Science - exploring the properties of Solid, Liquid & Gas. Investigating viscosity in liquids.

Wk4 Monday English & Maths

Wk4 Monday - contractions using apostrophe for omission and introduction to Data & Statistics with graphs to complete.

VE Day English & Maths Activities

VE day Reading Comprehension and 2 Fun Maths activities - enjoy!

Wk3 Thursday Maths and Adverbial Poem

Wk 3 Thursday Division practice and adverbial pet poem.

Wk3 Thursday River Journey

Wk3 River Journey - Join Mrs Slamaker as she creates a mini river to plot the river journey.

Wk3 Wednesday English and Maths

Wk3 Wednesday - an introduction to fronted adverbials with an adverbial hunt plus a reminder for completing mental maths & TTRS.

Wk3 Tuesday Maths

Wk 3 Tuesday Division - using multiplication knowledge to solve division problems

Wk 3 Tuesday English & Rivers

Wk3 Tuesday - Diary writing using 'ly' words. A Rivers Game to create and Rivers Word Search.

Wk 3 Maths and River Map Activity

Using multiplication methods to solve worded problems, plus a challenge. Use your map skills to answer questions and a word search with key words to use for river features.

Wk 3 Monday English

Welcome to another week of super home learning - Spellings today using the 'ly' suffix. Including a clip from The Spelling Zone - enjoy!

Day 5 Introduction to English, maths & Art

Wk2 Day 5 - Fun Friday maths games , Using subordinating clauses in English and Art linked to rivers.

Day 4 Maths & Mapping Activity

Wk2 day 4 - Review formal methods of multiplication; children to use the method they are most comfortable with. Researching and mapping the journey of the River Meon.

Day 4 English

Wk 2 day 4 English activity - subordinate clauses.

Wellness Wednesday

Brief introduction to reflecting on your own strengths.

Day 3 Maths & English

Wk 2 Day 3 - Descriptive writing and Mental Maths work

Day 2 Mapping Activity

Wk2 Day 2 - using mapping skills from previous lessons to create your own map of a walk.

Day 2 Maths & English

Week 2, Day 2 - Introduction to maths and English tasks .

Day 1 Maths & River Topic

Week 2 first day of maths (multiplication) and introducing River topic.

Day 1 English

Week 2 of home learning - apostrophes.

Friday 24th April

Day 5 of the first week of home learning - lets celebrate with Water Cycle posters, sharing our stories and a dice data collection.

Thursday 23rd April

Day 4 Learning Tasks - Capacity, story writing and Condensation.

Day 3 Wednesday 22nd

Third day of learning activities for Explorers - maths, English and how to create your own water cycle.

Learning Tasks For Day 2

Learning Tasks for 2nd day; maths, English & Science

English day 1

Introduction for the day's learning and spelling activity

Day 1 Maths

Explanation of maths perimeter task.

Day 1 Topic - The water Cycle

Mrs Slamaker introduces this week's topic starting off with Rain Collection Stations.